Gyrostat Absolute Return Income Equity Fund:-
8 year track record of combining returns, income protection
- Returns: 6% - 8% pa in trending markets, greater than 8% pa in volatile markets, short term bond returns in stable markets
- Income: Minimum cash rate + 3% paid semi-annually (currently 4.9% p.a.) from dividends and franking credits
- Protection: No quarterly NAV draw-downs exceeding 2%
Includes a ‘tail hedge’ to gain on large market falls
Volatility has returned since February 2018, The Fund performed as anticipated for these market conditions. with an uplift in NAV of 4.6% over this 9 month period (annualized rate of 6.2% p.a.).
In November to date the Fund NAV has increased a further 1.8%. (annualized rate 7.7% p.a.)
The opportunity:-
Our Absolute Return Fund provides the opportunity to invest in a portfolio of large cap Australian securities which includes banks currently delivering 9.0% - 11.0% yields with a 2% downside risk tolerance in place (no quarterly draw-down over 2% in the 8 year history).
The concentrated portfolio currently holds positions within ASX20 stocks.