2016 05 12 Returns protection

Gyrostat NAV uplift 4% since February

Compelling investment opportunities with rate cuts and market volatility returning


We have a 5 ½ year track record of delivering on our investment objectives.

Most recently, we protected our investors capital despite the 22% market falls from April 2015 to February 2016. Since market lows of February we’ve achieved returns of 4% at an annualized rate of 16%.  Our funds under management have grown 24% over the past ten months.

We benefit investors who are sensitive to capital fluctuations in their portfolio and require higher income than cash and term deposits.

To achieve this, we buy and hold high yielding blue chip shares in the ASX top 20 and insure downside with lowest cost alternatives (ASX bought put options). 

Our crossroads report ‘Conservative investing in volatile times’ and short presentation (both attached) provides more details of our investment approach, track record and fund features.  Our web site has also been updated.

We also have a short video explaining our approach, which has refined the way we communicate our investment approach.



Presentation:  Risk managed equity funds


Download PDF for more information