Is this too much risk in your portfolio for financial peace of mind?

Gyrostat Risk Managed Equity Fund Classes A & B have downside protection always in place, regular income, with returns in rising and falling markets including large market falls.

Our class A flagship fund has 3 key features:

  1. Lower risk than ASX 200 (source: FE Analytics)
    14 year track record no quarterly losses > 3%, 2 Yr max qtr loss -1.26%
  2. A track record of increasing in value on major market falls
  3. Absolute returns with a track record of increasing with market volatility

The leveraged Class B Units have a focus on greater returns and less risk protection.

These returns are non correlated with the market providing portfolio diversification benefits such as lower risk, higher risk-adjusted returns, and reduced exposure to market shocks.

Stock market falls are a regular and hazardous feature of the stock market cycle.

Gyrostat Risk Managed Equity Fund

ARSN 651 853 799

Responsible Entity: One Managed Investment Funds Limited

Investment Manager: Gyrostat Capital Management Advisers Pty Ltd

Want more information? Please contact Michael Baker or James Duck of Wayfarer Investment Partners on 0439 276 484.

Register to receive further information on our fund.

Meet Our Team

Broad experience in a wide range of disciplines, particularly in finance and the financial markets in the Asia Pacific region.


Craig Racine

Managing Director
Chief Investment Officer

Peter Clifton

Board of Directors

Andrew Smith

Compliance & Risk Management
David Barwise

David Barwise


Leo Tang

Senior Investment Officer
Michael Baker

Michael Baker

Wayfarer Investment Partners
James Duck

James Duck

Wayfarer Investment Partners

Peter Keating

Senior Investment Operations Manager

Our team has extensive experience domestically and globally, as investors, as non-executive directors, and as senior management in funds management, private equity, industry, investment banking, and equity research.

*Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.